I hope you like my previous post on "registry hacks".here is my another article.In order to find the soution of the tricks adopted by adminstrator to restrict the user movements,you have to think like them and thinking like them is the basic way to learn today i am here to make you think like a administrator. if you are a administrator what is the first thing you are going to do to restrict the user activities in the security region.....the answer is control panel......control panel is the most important part to deal with if you want to fool administrator...hance he will try to block it or make it here is the method how do they do it....
step-1 open windows registry
step-2 scroll tobelow registry key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\windows\current version\policies\explorer
step-3 within the explorer key on the side pane create a new DWORD value called "disallowcpl" and give it a data value of 1
step-4 in the left pane within the explorer key create a new key called "DisallowCpl"
step-5 in the right pane within the disallowcpl key create string value for each of the control pages that you want to disallow or remove from the control panel pages.
step-6 exit the windows might have to restart the windows session for changes to come into effect.
now if you open the control panel the given settings page wiil not be visible
it is possible to completely disable the control can be done by following method:-
step-1 open windows registry{regedit.exe}
step-2 navigate to following registry key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\windows\current version\policies\explorer
step-3 under the following registry key in the right pane create a new DWORD value called nocontrolpanel
and change its value to 1 to disable the control panel and to 0 to enable it.
Now if you open control panel it will show error message. I hope you will like it and appreciate it by giving your your comments on it.
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