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Wednesday, 10 October 2012


Many of you might have think about hacking a facebook account or in some way get access to the account of your friend or any other  you want to play prank today I am here with a article on how to get access of the email id or account of anybody else.
Warning- This tutorial is given only for educational purpose and not for any personal gain if anyone get caught in any type of cyber crime the author will not be responsible.
Things required-
1)      data sniffer-wireshark(this can be downloaded from the website )
2)      browser-mozzilafirefox
3)      mozzila add on-greasemonkey
4)  Install the script from the link to the script is given by

1 )Firstly install wireshark in your computer. Once it is successfully  installed open it
2) an option of “capture” will be present there at the toolbar.then go to “interfaces”. On clicking on interfaces it will show aa number of interfaces your network will any interface and click on “start” option.
3) Wireshark will start capturing the data packets in that particular network interface.there might be various data packets with different colours but since you have to look for packets from the pc using “facebook” hence type “http.cookie contains datr” in the filter box and enter.
4) This will show you the packets only from in order to see the details of the packet move the cursor downwards and right click.from there select “expand all”.it will show the  details of that packet. From there you have to search for something like this“cookie-rtssd234datr  shfhtyeh576http”.these are the them, right click>copy>bytes>printable text only. 
5)  now open the login page of the facebook and then press”alt+c”.
6) a box will appear with a heading “dump the wireshark cookie”. In this box paste the cookie and click on the “log in” option.if you have done all the thingsin the right way then the profile page of the person using facebook will open in front of you and voila!!!! You have done it.!!!
1)this technique can only be used if your pc or laptop is connected in network like in schools ,colleges etc.
2)cookies get expired after a particular time interval hence this technique is useful only if someone using facebook currently on the network interface you have chosen.if you are using expired cookie this technique may not work.
3)you might get access to any person’s account  on the network.hence for any specific  person account you might need the ip address of the that person’s pc that ip address  should be imposed on the flilter box of the wireshark so that only the data pakets from that pc will be displayed.
3)facebook consistently keeps looking for  the articles on hacking facebook.hence by the time you read  this article facebook might have found some solution for this type of hack but still you can try.

 if you like this article just resd my previous articles on "unblocking the content on internet"

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